Housing inspections for disrepair

The Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS), applies to all residential properties and landlords have a duty to ensure their properties are warm and free of serious hazards for their tenants.

We offer inspections of single-family dwellings whether a house, flat, or bungalow, and for HMOs , using the HHSRS and evaluating whether any possible Category 1 or Category 2 hazards are present.

For tenants we offer inspections to determine whether a dwelling should be regarded as unfit for human habitation under The Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018.

Decent Homes

Dwellings can be assessed as to whether they meet the decent homes standards.

A decent home must:
Meet the current minimum standard for housing – the property must be free of Category 1 hazards under the Housing Health and Safety Rating System;
Be in a reasonable state of repair;
Have reasonably modern facilities and services and;
Provide a reasonable degree of thermal comfort.

Compliance with Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES)

We offer guidance on energy efficiency and advice on how to comply with MEES including exemptions and listed properties in conjunction with Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs).

HMO and licensing

HMO legislation and compliance can be complex. We offer licensing compliance inspections, advice and guidance on mandatory, selective, and additional licensing schemes under Part 2 and 3 of the Housing Act 2004. We can submit licence applications on your behalf.

Fire safety advice for residential properties

Fire safety guidance and advice is included in all property inspections including HMOs.We specialise in fire safety issues for HMOs including layout of properties, fire doors and automated fire detection (AFD), systems.

Advice and guidance on how to comply with The Smoke and Carbon Monoxide (England) Regulations 2015 as amended.

Property inspection report for UK immigration

United Kingdon and Visa Immigration (UKVI) rules can be satisfied through a property inspection report which confirms the suitability of the accommodation. We are qualified and experienced in undertaking such inspections and provision of a subsequent report. The report will provide information on that the property is:

i) not statutorily overcrowded under Part X of the Housing Act 1985, has sufficient space to accommodate both the current occupiers and any additional people who propose to live there, and;

ii) Has been inspected and risked assessed for Category 1 and 2 Hazards to ensure that the accommodation complies with the Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS), under the provisions of Part 1 of the Housing Act 2004.

Expert witness reports

We can provide both advisory and expert witness reports. Unlike advisory reports, Expert Witness Reports can be used for court purposes in disputes between parties such as landlords and tenants. These can be requested by individuals, organisations i.e. letting agents, or most commonly solicitors.

Statutory Nuisance

Statutory nuisances can be experienced by occupiers of rental properties living in poor conditions and is often a matter of contention between landlords and tenants. Assessments can be undertaken to determine whether a premises is in such as state as to be ‘prejudicial to health or a nuisance’. Such assessments can be undertaken for landlords, tenants and solicitors, for expert witness reports or for general advice and guidance.

The following services can also be provided: